My scripture study this morning found me in Alma 26. I read the chapter through and then went back to look more closely at some of the verses and to write my thoughts about them. Alma can hardly contain his joy over the success they have had with the Lamanites, but he knows their success is because of a merciful God. I want to feel what he felt. I want success in my mission.
So what exactly can Ammon teach me? I mean, that is what the scriptures are for right? To liken. So I pondered.
I began to see parallels of their story and my life, and could see some lessons for me in their experiences. He says early on in the chapter that he knows he is nothing, weak in his own strength, with the strength of God "I can do all things". I find if hard to remember this. I know it is true, yet I often find myself relying on my own strength, because I simply forget to remember the truth of that statement. I begin with the Lord in mind, but don't keep him as a partner.
In one verse Ammon gives the "how-to" on how to know the mysteries of God which I think is also the way to keep Him as a partner. I want to know the "mysteries" of God. I want to know how to serve Him better, to recognize those who are in need, any kind of need and to know how to help fill that need. I want to choose the right, to keep my temper, to not get hurt feelings. I want to know how to reach Kelsey, to help her make the changes she needs to make, to help her know that God loves her, and to help her know what she needs to do to live a joyful life. I want to know how to help Maryn be happy, deep down, to help her as she waits for her hearts desire and to be the best she can be. I want to know how to be a good YW leader to all the girls in my class with all their individual needs. I want to know how to be the best wife to Kelly. I want to know how to be a good sister, daughter, aunt and friend.These mysteries can be known to me through the Spirit. I need to repent and "exercisteth faith...bringeth forth good works and prayeth continually without ceasing". In other words, I need to repent, use my faith not just "have faith" and pray continually. The last one is probably the one that needs the most work, then exercising faith.
I marked verse 27 as a "to me" verse in 1992. I can't recall the exact reason at the moment I did that, but I can imagine why. I would mark it again today, just for different reasons! There are so many things going on right now in my life that leave me feeling depressed, wondering if it will end, that life can return to "normal". This scripture gives me hope. The Lord promises success! I feel I can relate to Ammon's description of their sufferings--I feel cast out, bound by the strong cords of things being out of my control, that darn agency, mocked or judged by those around me, imprisoned by my fears, and smote with one thing after another, but the Lord promises success, even deliverance.
I am counting on that. I just need to be Ammon-like. Do what is necessary to know God's will, His mysteries, get to work and then patiently wait.
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