Monday, March 21, 2011

Embrace It

Our weekend was sort of dictated to us—I always have a hard time with those kind of weekends. But I tried to use one of my new theories: “Don’t Fight it-Embrace It”. It worked! Almost perfectly!

My problem with the weekend was that Kelly was all booked up. First he left Friday night with the young men on a campout and then on a hike to Romero Pools on Saturday morning. I knew it was a good thing for him. I am just selfish and knew I would miss him, especially since it was Stake conference weekend and he had the afternoon meetings.

He did have a good time. He has always loved to hike and rarely gets the chance these days. He had a little bit of a hard time keeping up with the boys. They said they worried about him going up, but he was like a rocket coming down. They got in the water too. He said the water was cold but it was fun. And his knees held out! Looks like those miracle pills really are miracle pills.

Good thing about Saturday was Kelsey made it home for spring break—YEAH!! And the Saturday night session of conference. I was looking forward to that.

What a great conference--I had prayers answered, my testimony was strengthened. What is not to embrace right? For me it started off with the special musical number. As she sang the words to that familiar primary song my heart swelled with gratitude as I saw the scenes in my minds eye. Heavenly Father spoke, witnessing the importance of each of those events in the history of the world…and I felt the importance of those events in my own life. I have developed a love affair with baptisms. And although I don’t remember my own, I am so grateful that I made those covenants and entered the gate. I know that baptism is our first step back to our Father in Heaven. The story of Jesus visiting the Nephites has long been a favorite of mine. It testifies of His love for all of God’s children. When I read the account of the healings, the children and that each person was given their own special moment to touch the wounds, to feel and know, I feel His love for me. I would be lost without His love and the gift of the resurrection. The voice in the grove, testifying of His Son and delivering the greatest message in this dispensation brings such feeling of gratitude. I felt the warmth of the Spirit reminding me of when I knew that God and His Son had appeared to Joseph. My greatest blessings come from that event. And then another tender mercy this morning as I read of an additional time when the voice of our Father in Heaven testified of His Son. On the mount of transfiguration. Elder Haight said it was one of the most significant events in the New Testament. Christ was given the heavenly help He would need to fulfill His mission-administered to by angels. The priesthood keys were given to the apostles, who would in turn give them to Joseph. Amazing! It was perfect to read that today and be reminded of those tender feelings on Saturday. And to remember: Where would I be without the atonement?

I felt the spirit whisper to me that the Father’s command to Hear Him, is an invitation. Hear Him. Follow Him. Believe Him.

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