Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wheat and Tares

I think it is a whole lot harder to watch your children grow up in this wheat and tares world than it was to grow up in this wheat and tares world. 2867436525_7c98d46ff9

At least when it is about me, I have some control. I am in charge of the choices. Now, the only thing I can do is watch, and pray. And where did all those tares come from? There hasn’t always been this many has there? I certainly see more now than I did when they were little.

I toggle between the hope I feel that this is the Lord’s plan, and He is all knowing, all powerful. If He designed it than all is well. And the doubt I feel when I wonder, did I do enough, give them enough, to grow strong and straight.

So, it is obvious right? I try to stay away from thinking about “I” and just keep praying to HIM!

**photo taken by

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